Building for Every Generation! | 574.773.0603

This week has been a very busy week at the house. The house was wrapped with paper and plastic, so your new carpets and vinyl flooring wouldn’t be ruined.  The septic was installed, and electricity is being installed today (12/15). The conduit to the pole has been installed as well.

The basement jack-posts footers and pylons are being poured today as well. Pushing the jack-posts to be installed early to mid next week.

Our electrician will work on the garage power later in the build, but for the time being, he will get electricity going as quickly as possible at your house. Theoretically, we can get power within 10 days of the inspection, which is based on the power company, in this case, AEP. Simultaneously, we are also working on getting gas on to get that furnace fired up and get the temperature good in there to get mud going! We are on track and making process!